Statement of Faith

Philosophy of Education

The purpose of a Christian education is to equip the next generation to be successful life-long learners who function in society with a Biblical worldview and to nurture Christ-minded leaders who will impact the world for our Lord Jesus Christ.  God created the universe and all creation and sustains all things in their natural order.  He endowed mankind, who are created in His own image, with a spiritual soul and a physical body. Through the soul, God gave man intellect and a free will which enables the freedom of choice. The Word of God is the absolute Truth, the alpha and omega, and is the plumb line against which all decisions, actions, facts, ideas, and concepts are measured. Our knowledge of God and the world is founded on the Bible, the divine revelation of our omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God, and through our relationship with God as His children. Sin entered the world through disobedience, and because of this original sin, all men are born sinners. God sent his son, Jesus Christ, into the world and through his obedience and death on the cross, God’s free gift of salvation brings redemption and reconciliation to man. By receiving Christ as savior and committing a life to the lordship of Jesus Christ, one is born again with the promise of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. 

The basis for Christian education is that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for correction, for reproof, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  A Christian education teaches a child that there is no learning or truth apart from God. In this regard, the Bible is the primary text for all learning. The principles of truths revealed within are the foundations for learning any given subject and are essential to develop understanding and wisdom. Academic excellence and Christian character development are expressions of worship, and are instrumental in Christians fulfilling the role of being the salt and light of this world. Each child is an individual created in God’s image and possesses unique gifts and qualities. The education process, through defining individual strengths and weaknesses, will draw out the talents and equip each child to attain a level of excellence in order to be able to impact the world for Jesus. 

With Jesus being the infallible model of “the man of God”, the influences on his upbringing provide a paradigm for the ideal Christian education. The three interplaying factors that influenced Jesus’ childhood and youth were the home, school and the synagogue. In the present, these three factors are the home, the school and the church.  Through Luke 2:52, scripture teaches that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Jesus grew mentally in wisdom, physically in stature, spiritually in favor with God and socially in favor with men. Therefore, the goal is to develop the whole-child in following with the model given us through God’s divine revelation. 

Academically, students thrive best when given a biblically integrated liberal arts education that is integrated with the visual and performance arts. They learn to understand world cultures from a Christian perspective and think critically while mastering an array of subject matter.  Within a relationship established on trust and love, the Christian educator interacts with individual students with a working knowledge of child development and learning theories while recognizing the need to tailor instruction to address students’ diverse learning styles, as well as the need for differentiation and accommodation to effectively improve learning for all students.

Physically, students receive developmentally appropriate physical education instruction that promotes healthy gross motor and fine motor development. Students also gain an understanding of factors that attribute to mental, emotional, social and physical wellness. By developing such knowledge as they relate them to the concept of the body being the temple of God, students are enabled with the skills and capabilities necessary to maintain fitness and a healthy, balanced life in their journey of life-long learning. 

Spiritually, students receive instruction, modeling and have opportunities to practice loving God and loving their neighbors. Students are guided to develop a life devoted to God’s Word and prayer and learn to reason on the principles of God’s truth, as well as apply them in Christianly living as they engage in the worship of the Almighty.

Socially, students receive instruction and modeling that supports the development of Christ-like character, sensitivity to cultural diversity, and promotes biblical standards of heterosexuality and marriage. The school community functions as a Body of Christ where the administrators, teachers, staff, parents, community volunteers and students are all joined together as members of one body, each engaging in the process of life-long teaching and learning in their respective roles.

The Christian educational philosophy prompts the educator to work in partnership with parents and caregivers, and even the churches that the students’ families identify with in order to assist parents in carrying out their God-given responsibilities of nurturing and educating their children. Through a Christ-centered curriculum, the school, teachers and families become partners in building up generations of young men and women who will impact the world in all glory to God.